Mars venus Coaching is Building Momentum in the US

August 30, 2008 – Dr. John Gray, author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus (and 16 other best sellers) is an expert on behavior, particularly about differences between men and women. John, along with Darren Stephens, decided that the coaching industry had matured to the point where most people recognize the value of the vision, guidance and accountability that makes coaching so effective.

Mars Venus Coaching is a unique franchise opportunity. There are no other coaching franchises that train and support professionals to be effective at both personal relationships and executive relationships. Professionals who want the flexibility of working your own hours (not tied to a retail store), enjoy helping others and want the freedom of owning their own business are purchasing the new Mars Venus Coaching Franchise- off to a flying start!

Training classes are underway and the first franchisees are landing clients…because after all…life isn’t perfect. Is yours? If it isn’t call Rich Bernstein at the Mars Venus Coaching North American headquarters at 702-835-9295. Be special. Enjoy a rewarding profession…you earned it. To learn more visit

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