Posts Tagged ‘Mars Venus Coaching. Mars Venus Success Coaching’

John Gray’s New Book; Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice

Monday, May 24th, 2010

image.phpIn Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice, John Gray, the bestselling relationship author in history, unveils his illuminating new television special based on his upcoming 17th book, Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice: Hormonal Balance – the Key to Life, Love & Energy. A presentation of WLIW21 in association with

“I spent the last 15 years teaching couples how to make small shifts in their behavior that would stimulate an abundance of the hormones of desire and love with the consequence of a healthier, happier life at any age,” said Gray. “What I discovered is the key for turning Venus-Mars relationships into the fountain of youth.”

In his Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice TV special, Gray acts out humorous relationship situations everybody can identify with. He demonstrates how the often frustrating differences between men and women can actually be used to stimulate healthy hormones that help control cortisol and stress levels, stabilize blood sugar, manage body weight and inspire desire. He introduces natural “super-oxytocin producers” – super-foods, super-exercise and super-sleep that boost love and romance while supporting physical well-being.