Archive for the ‘Starting Over’ Category

High School Graduation & Leaving the Nest

Monday, May 23rd, 2011

At Mars Venus Coaching we believe that learning comes in waves, of about eight years—at least it’s so for me. So, when I talk to soon-to-be high school graduates, I often ask myself what I wished I knew then, that I know now. As parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, neighbors, or mentors—what wisdom can we give that will be: (1) heard and (2) taken to heart?
First let me address why value-added insight seems to come in waves of every eight years. Then we’ll brainstorm how to impart relevant wisdom to our young birds about to take flight.

Developmental Stages

We’ll use Dr. John Gray’s interpretation of the developmental stages we all go through. He calls them the ten time periods. Instead of just listing the developmental stages he corresponds the time periods with what he calls love vitamins that help us develop into who we are and what love need that should be met during these time periods so we are able to stay connected to our true selves. So, when talking or filling out high school graduation cards—I get right to the meat—no platitudes here on going after dreams or reaching for the stars. As you read through this, think about whether you received enough of the love vitamins during each of your time periods so far. How can what you say to the high school graduates in your life grow from your own life experiences?

Time Period Love Vitamin Love Need

1. Conception to birth Vitamin G1 God’s love
2. Birth to seven Vitamin P1 Parents’ love
3. Seven to fourteen Vitamin F Family, friends, and fun
4. Fourteen to twenty-one Vitamin P2 Peers and others with similar goals
5. Twenty-one to twenty-eight Vitamin S Self-love
6. Twenty-eight to thirty-five Vitamin R Relationships and romance
7. Thirty-five to forty-two Vitamin D Loving a dependent
8. Forty-two to forty-nine Vitamin C Giving back to community

As you can see from the list above, most high school grads right now have their energy focused on peer approval and support of others who have similar aspirations. Even sharing words of experience with your high schoolers is a challenge. If it is not couched within this frame of reference, or if they’ve missed out on earlier love vitamins of being unconditionally accepted and loved for who they are—mistakes and all—it is really hard for them to hear anything that resembles advice.

Additionally, if they went through their high school years and didn’t get enough love from family and friends, or if they were too focused on doing well and not having enough fun, then they may have a deficiency in Vitamin F.

Similarly, if during their childhood they grew up with one or more absent parents, then they may also be deficient in the P1 category. It doesn’t necessarily mean that both parents were out of the home working, what it gets at is did he/she get enough unconditional love, acceptance, and support from loving adults who gave freely (without conditions). We experience absent-parent syndrome when there is not enough quality time spent reinforcing a child’s self-identity, independence, and exploration within a safety net where the child intuitively knows he/she can express her/his feelings and venture out making mistakes without being reprimanded or told he/she is not allowed. The take away from this is that what’s always important is that we spend quality time with those we love, the amount or quantity is not important.

Age-Relevant Wisdom

Basically, throughout the high school years and during college (or while we venture into the workforce), what we are often looking for is to connect with others who are doing similar things to us. We need this both to gain a sense of who we are as individuals, as well as to find our purpose in life. If we miss out during this time period, or we pursue an avenue that we think others want us to pursue rather than where our talents lie, then we may become deficient in Vitamin F, Vitamin P2, or Vitamin S.

So one of the keys when pushing high school graduates out the door off on their own journey of discovery is to make sure they know there is still a soft place to land. That making mistakes is still okay, but now as a young adult the consequences are greater. The responsibility is theirs. That when our high school graduates choose what they want to do and learn over the next couple of years, it is critical for them to choose what they want to do, what they are talented at, not necessarily what the family expects. Therefore, identifying their talent or niche is critical. Choosing what social circles they run in going forward will also be critical to their success.

As we age, we also require more vitamins to stay healthy. When you get into your twenties, it is important to be focused on self-love, so as we explore romance and relationships—we choose our mates wisely. If we’ve had time for self-exploration, and to pursue our talents, then our maturity will be at the same level as our age. If we’re lacking in any of the vitamins, and aren’t on a path to fill the missing love needs, then we’ll tend to repeat familial mistakes, and our growth and that of our children will remain stunted.

Lyndsay Katauskas, MEd
Mars Venus Coaching
Corporate Media Relations

Keeping New Year’s Resolutions

Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably experienced the sudden burst of motivation that comes around this time of year. So many of us experience an urge to commit to the required dedication to take a low level priority in our life and make it the successful reality we deserve. Motivation is the easy part. Follow through is when the eye-opening realizations of the level of commitment required to obtain and maintain our desired goal start to occur. Because of this very reason, New Year’s resolutions are often notoriously short lived. The trick to making resolutions work is to follow the same steps required to make any goal work; devise a plan. Devising a plan should be the first step; following through with the tips provided below should be the next step.

Many people are virtually assured to fail because of one simple fact; they didn’t pick a realistic resolution for themselves. It is very important that you pick a goal that you believe and seriously intend to achieve.

Can you actually visualize yourself achieving the goal? Visualizing your goals is not only a great motivator but also a great reminder. Make sure to choose the right resolution for the right reasons. Once you have devised your plan, it is essential to set time to work on your goal. It is important to schedule this time into your calendar; therefore, you have an appointment and are more likely to keep it. It is also important to constantly reevaluate your progress. Make any adjustments where needed and keep moving forward. It is imperative that you not let any conflicts deter you from progress. When you are faced with any conflicts, simply take a look at your plan and make the appropriate adjustments and keep moving forward.

This is true if you miss an appointment you set for your goal. If you didn’t follow through with your plan on Monday, pick right back up on your next schedule time. Lastly, it is important to recognize the need to hire a professional. A Coach provides the accountability necessary to ask the tough questions that most of us don’t ask ourselves. Whether you are faced with achieving the success of your personal New Year’s resolution or the success of your small business, a Coach in this day age is no longer considered a luxury it is fast becoming a necessity.

Tips for Successful New Year’s Resolutions

  • Choose the right resolution
  • Devise a plan
  • Commit – Write down/Announce your resolution
  • Schedule time on a daily/weekly basis to commit to your goal
  • Monitor your progress and make necessary adjustments
  • Once you reach your goal continue maintaining it